Dubbo works
Love Your Work: Mary Anne Waters

Where do you work? Dubbo Regional Council
What’s your job? I look after Council’s lease & licences, security system, the flags and quite a few other things
Why do you Love Your Work? Every day has surprises and I get meet and know lots of staff and external people. I find working for Council very interesting, there are so many things happening.
What is one of your favourite memories? Christmas lunch with the family. We always have such a great time and it goes on for hours.
If you could work with any person, who would it be and why? In reality, my current manager as she is so nice and bubbly and a pleasure to work with. In my fantasy world, Wonder Woman – she kicks butt, what a role model.
What was your first paying job? Big W checkout chick. 4 Hours on Thursday and Saturday mornings. Back aching and feet numbing work. No such thing as padded mats in those days
Three words your friends would use to describe you. Nice, friendly and hopefully a good friend
What attributes do you admire? Kindness, Happiness and Intelligence
What actor would you have play you, in a movie about your life? Emma Stone. She seems like a nice person and her sassiness appeals to me.

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