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© 2025 Dubbo Photo News

Now with more reach and more readers, Dubbo Photo News is Dubbo's favourite pick-me-up newspaper with a circulation of more than 13,000 copies.

Dubbo Photo News features full colour throughout. It is a tabloid newspaper, stitched and trimmed and printed on improved newsprint - giving it a more professional feel than old-style newspapers printed on basic stock and/or not stitched.

The content of Dubbo Photo News has widespread appeal and features general news, community news, comment, stories and information of interest to the local population as well as an extensive collection of colourful photos depicting life and achievements in Dubbo.

Copies are picked up free each week from dispensing stands in prominent locations across Dubbo. Dubbo Photo News is published each Thursday.

If you would like to find an advertising solution that best suits your business' marketing needs, call our Sales Team today on 6885 4433. Rate cards and more information on general advertising, as well as classified advertising, are listed below.

General advertising

There are a range of advertising options available to feature in Dubbo Photo News, . Along with regular advertising, there are also monthly specials and weekly themed features to take advantage of. For more information contact our Sales Team on 6885 4433.

Please note once bookings have been confirmed, cancellations will only be accepted up until 5pm Monday prior to publication.

Specifications for Supplied Advertisements

For supplied advertisements, material must be delivered electronically by email by 12 noon Tuesday prior to publication. Please contact your Dubbo Photo News sales rep.

Advertisements that contain copy editorial style must carry the word "Advertisement" at the top of copy no smaller than 10pt.

SPECS for print quality PDF files

  • All images and colours must be in CMYK
  • All fonts embedded
  • Please export your artwork as High Res PDF (images at least 200dpi)
  • No bleed required in Dubbo Photo News

If the file size is too large to email, we accept links to popular cloud-based services such as Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive, or phone the office on 6885 4433 for an alternate email address.

Terms & conditions apply for all material submitted. Contact our office for details. We reserve the right to refuse material at our discretion.

Classified advertising

The classifieds in Dubbo Photo News put Dubbo people in touch with Dubbo people for only $1 per word. Display advertising prices (full colour) are listed below. For all classified or billboard enquiries, contact us on 6885 4433 today. Bookings close Tuesday 2pm.

Classifieds Price List as of 1 July 2022

GARAGE SALE $39.95 4cm (h) x 6.2cm (w)

Must have date, time, address and/or items

FOR SALE $39.95 (no photo) 4cm (h) x 6.2cm (w)

or $42 (with photo) 6cm (h)x 6.2cm (w)

By law, cars, trailers, caravans and other vehicles that require registration are required to have a rego number listed in your ad

IN MEMORIAM $63 (no photo) 5cm (h) x 6.2cm (w)

or $73.50 (with photo) 6cm (h) x 6.2cm (w)

POSITION VACANT $19.95 per cm high. These are a standard 6.2cm wide.

DISPLAY ADS $19.95 per cm high. These are a standard 6.2cm wide.

TRADES & SERVICES $19.95 per cm high. These are a standard 6.2cm wide.

All prices are inclusive of production costs and GST, and are subject to change at the publisher's discretion.

Deadline: Booking close 10am Tuesday.

Special Classifieds Offer:

50 per cent Discount for a 12-week contract.

Must be 12 consecutive weeks. Contact our office for full details on this offer.