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Too many screens? The ups and downs of multiple TVs in your home

1 min read

It's a common sight in modern homes – more than one television occupying various spaces. But do these numerous screens truly enhance our lives or do they interfere with the quality of our personal connections? Let’s explore the pros and cons of having multiple televisions in a household.


1. Entertainment variety: With multiple televisions in the home, everyone can watch their favourite shows or movies without having to compete for screen time. This means no more arguing over the remote or waiting for your turn to watch your favourite series.

2. Multitasking: Having more than one TV allows you to keep an eye on the news or sports game while cooking in the kitchen or exercising in the living room. This ensures you don't miss important updates or events while engaging in other activities.

3. Socialisation: Hosting watch parties or footy game nights becomes easier when you have multiple TVs. Guests can gather around different screens to watch different events or play video games without feeling cramped or limited.


1. Increased screen time: Multiple televisions may lead to excessive screen time, which can have negative consequences on physical and mental health. Overexposure to screens can lead to sleep disturbances, eye strain, and reduced physical activity.

2. Weakening of family bonds: Televisions in separate rooms can create physical and emotional barriers between family members. Instead of spending quality time together and engaging in conversations, people may be more inclined to isolate themselves in front of their favourite shows.

3. Energy consumption: More televisions mean increased energy consumption and a larger carbon footprint. With the growing concern over climate change and the need to be more conscious of our energy use, having multiple TVs may not be the most eco-friendly choice.

So, the decision to have more than one television in your home ultimately depends on your personal preferences and lifestyle. While multiple TVs offer increased entertainment options and convenience, they can also lead to increased screen time, weakened family bonds, and a larger carbon footprint.

To maintain a balanced lifestyle, consider limiting screen time, investing in energy-efficient appliances, and encouraging family bonding activities that don't revolve around screens.