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Dubbo Australia Day 2025

1 min read

Our Dubbo Australia Day event moved indoors this year.

The Dubbo Civic Centre, part of the Dubbo Regional Theatre and Convention Centre, played host, offering a cooler alternative to Victoria Park.

Upon arrival, a free breakfast was cooked and served by Dubbo Macquarie Rotary, and Dubbo Classic Cars and Coffee had some of their amazing cars on display.

Inside and onstage, the Dubbo District Concert Band entertained, the formal part of the day followed with Elder Lewis Burns providing the Welcome to Country, Dubbo Regional Council Mayor Josh Black welcomed residents to the event, an address from Dubbo’s Australia Day ambassador, Anupam Sharma followed.

Ms Kathy Furney of the Dubbo District Family History Society spoke about the early residents of Dubbo and how Dubbo has evolved to become a culturally diverse and inclusive city.

During the ceremony six outstanding citizens were recognised as Dubbo’s 2025 Australia Day award recipients.

Jason Dearmer was announced as the 2025 Citizen of the Year.

Jason is well-known to many volunteer organisations, always getting in and giving a hand. He has volunteered for many local events and sporting groups including Relay for Life, Daffodil Day, Australia's Biggest Morning Tea, Dubbo Triathlon Club, Dubbo Roos, Hear our Heart Bus Project and many more.

John Gibson was announced as Dubbo’s Senior Citizen of the Year and Miley Shipp is Dubbo’s Young Citizen of the Year.

Valerie Clark received recognition as the Cultural Person of the Year, with Raisa Kolesnikova, the 2025 Sportsperson of the Year and Alex McGrath, the Young Sportsperson of the Year.

Clr Black expressed his honour in presenting the awards to each recipient and extended his gratitude for their contributions to the community.

“I want to thank all the Australia Day Award recipients for their dedication to the Dubbo community. Their expertise, experience, and commitment greatly enhance the quality of life here,” Clr Black said.

A morning of many highlights including the welcoming of 41 new Australian Citizens, from 9 countries, now not only calling Australia home, but calling Dubbo home as well.